Unit Banking - Refunds

Quick Tip 6 - Submitting a Manual Expense
Quick Tip 7 - Allocating a Purchase Card Expense

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I issue a refund to a parent for a Unit activity?

Create a manual expense and submit documentation (or a note of explanation) to your Unit Banking Clerk demonstrating that the original payment had been received.

The description allocation should correspond with the revenue and tax amounts. Put ‘Refund’ for Merchant and make sure you include the parent’s address. If you would rather have the cheque mailed to you, you can put C/O with your name and address.

Remember, if you submit refunds under $20, they will be put on hold; finance issues cheques under $20 annually (August).

You cannot give a Membership fee refund; they are handled by the Unit Administration Supervisor only.

How do I allocate a purchase card refund?

Allocate the refund in the same way that you allocate a purchase, except use negative numbers.
(Note: Negative numbers will only work in this situation.)
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