Unit Banking - New Units

Centralized Banking Authorization Form
Quick Tips
New Treasurer Orientation

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Centralized Banking?

Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario Council uses a centralized banking system for all units and Trefoil Guilds. This means that all Girl Guides revenues and expenses flow through one central Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) bank account. However, the central bank account is divided into many sub-accounts. Each unit controls one sub-account, the Unit Banking Account.

To monitor the transactions in the Unit Banking Account, the Treasurer must log in to the Unit Banking Website using a unique User ID and Password provided by the Unit Banking Department Department. Through the Unit Banking Website, the unit is able to perform various financial functions such as verifying expenses and revenues, requesting credit limit increases, requesting cheques and money orders, and transferring funds to other Units or to Ontario Council.

How do I get my unit set up on centralized banking with RBC?

Each unit is assigned a Unit Banking Account ID when it is opened. Complete the Centralized Banking Authorization Form for the Treasurer position and the Purchase Card Holder position. Once the Treasurer has completed the orientation quiz, the Treasurer will receive the login and password and within 3 weeks, a set of RBC deposit slips.  The Purchase Card Holder will receive a VISA purchase card (as long there is a treasurer) within 3 weeks as well. Do not go to an RBC branch or any other bank to open an account; the setup is done exclusively through Ontario Council.

What do I do if I cannot deposit at RBC due to the distance of the closest branch?

Contact Unit Banking at banking.admin1@guidesontario.org for assistance.

What is the meeting space process?

Ontario Council covers the cost of regular weekly meeting space for Girl Units. For more information, see our User Space FAQs.

Will my unit be charged any service fees for using centralized banking?

No. However, if the unit deposits a cheque that is returned NSF, there is a $25 charge that the unit is responsible for. The parent should reimburse the unit $25 in addition to the amount of the returned cheque. Also if you request a wire transfer for foreign currency, there is a $25 service fee.

If my unit closes this year but re-opens next year, will the unit still have access to the funds remaining at the time it was closed?

Yes. The funds are held in "trust" for two years. If the unit reopens within the two year timeframe, it receives the funds that it had at the time of closing. If the unit had less than $200, the account will be topped up to $200. If the unit does not reopen within two years, the funds are placed into a central account that helps support other new units.

Do Units get a separate account for independent trips?

Yes. When your trip (over 72 hrs) is approved or on receipt of the SG. 8, you will receive instructions on setting up a separate unit and bank account for trip participants. For full details regarding independent trip processes in Ontario click here
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