Unit Banking - Donations

Governance Policy
No individual Member, unit, council or group shall solicit funds, in the name of, or on behalf of, GGC as a national entity, for anything other than a local activity approved by the appropriate council unless authorized to do so by the national office.

Any potential fund development partnership or sponsorship with a company of Canada-wide presence must be pre-approved through the national office. Any request for a corporate or business donation worth $1,000 or more, be it of money, of materials or in kind, must be approved by the national office.

Follow the fundraising approval process and complete an FR. 1

How do I handle donations given to our Unit?
Small cash donations given at events like cookie blitzes can be deposited and allocated under Donations.
Donations over $20.00 should be made by cheque and must be processed through the Finance Department at Ontario Council.
Send the cheque to:

ATTN: Accounts Receivable, GGC Ontario Council, 50 Merton Street, Toronto, ON M4S 1A3

Along with the cheque, you must include a note indicating:
(1) the name of the donor
(2) the mailing address for the charitable receipt
(3) your Unit or Trefoil Guild name and Banking User ID.

For assistance, email accounts.receivable@guidesontario.org

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