Unit Banking - Cookies

Quick Tip 17 – Making a Unit-to-Unit Transfer for Cookies
Year-End Reconciliation
FAQs - Tiered Cookie Sales Incentive Program

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to deposit all cookie money or can I use some as petty cash?

All cookie money ($60 per case ordered) should be deposited to the unit bank account. A petty cash (cash advance) can be requested for the unit separately. All receipts must be submitted by the end of the year adding to the amount of cash advance (see quick tip 13)

When will the cookie money be removed from the Unit account?

The money will be automatically withdrawn on the due date listed on the invoice. The invoice is sent to you by email approximately one month before the due date. Do not prepare a manual expense or transfer request.

The Provincial payment dates are usually as follows:
  • Spring Campaign – June 1st
  • Fall Campaign – December 1st
(If these dates fall on a Saturday or Sunday then payment will be the following Monday)

My unit gave some boxes of cookies as gifts; how do I account for that in our records?

Complete a unit-to-unit transfer as if you were buying the cookies. Under ‘Transactions’, ’Transfers’, choose the ‘Other’ button. Debit the “EXP-GIFTS” category for the full amount of the box(es) of cookies, and credit the same amount to the ‘REV-Spring (or Fall) Cookies’ from the drop down menus.
See Quick Tip 8.

Your Unit received additional cookies from another Unit. What do you do?

If your Unit has received additional cookies from another Unit, your Unit is responsible for submitting payment to the Unit who provided the cases. This is done through a Unit to Unit transfer. Cookie Transfers will not be processed until after the invoice date (but before the payment date) to ensure the correct per case cost is used.
See Quick Tip 17.

Payment collection ideas and suggestions:

  • Have parents/Guiders sign for the number of cases of cookies that they take.
  • Ensure that all Parents are made aware of the day that payment is due to the Unit.
  • Assign your Treasurer or another Guider for the money collection. This will help to keep track of your payments and number of cases sold.
  • During the campaign, as the cookie money is collected it must be immediately deposited into the Unit’s account. Treasurers must deposit all cookie money ($60.00 per case).
  • Province withdraws cookie payment in full. To ensure that your Unit account does not go into deficit please deposit all cookie money before the specified Province payment date.

Non-Payment by parent process

If a parent has not submitted payment by the Unit’s specified due date, you must begin the Parent Not Paid process immediately.

Any questions about this form can be directed to the Cookie Administrator at cookie.admin@guidesontario.org.

Missing Deposits: I made a deposit, but it has not appeared in my account. Whom should I contact?

Deposits usually appear in the account the next business day. If the deposit doesn't appear in three business days, contact your Unit Banking Clerk and provide a copy of your deposit slip. You can also report missing deposits to finance by email at bankrec.administrator@guidesontario.org.

Stolen Cookie Money

In the event that the cookie money has been stolen, immediately contact the local police department to report the theft and notify the Cookie Coordinator at cookie.coord@guidesontario.org. You must submit the detailed police report to the Cookie Coordinator.

My unit used some cookies for snacks, crafts, etc. How do I account for that in our records?

Complete a unit-to-unit transfer as if you were buying the cookies. Under ‘Transactions’, ’Transfers’, choose the ‘Other’ button. Debit the category in which the cookies were used for the full amount of the box(es) of cookies. Example: “EXP-SPECIAL EVENTS or EXP-PROGRAM”. Credit the same amount to the ‘REV-Spring (or Fall) Cookies’ from the drop down menus. You may also wish to make a note on your Year End Reconciliation (Checklist) to explain the discrepancy.
See Quick Tip 8.
7/27/2024 5:53:23 AM