Unit Banking - Changing Treasurer Or Purchase Card Holder

Unified Banking Authorization Form

Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I know about becoming a Treasurer or Purchase Card Holder?

It is highly recommended that new and returning Treasurers review the New Treasurer Orientation and the banking policies. Additional training is available on the Event Calendar: Treasurer training

Does the Purchase Card Holder and Treasurer have to be the same person?

No, they can be two different people. Your unit can have a Treasurer who is also the Purchase Card Holder; it’s a decision for your unit to make.

Can a parent be the Treasurer?

Yes. However, the person managing the finances for the unit must have a current Police Records Check (PRC) in accordance with the screening practices of Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC). If the individual does want to become a member, they can choose to register as a non-member.

Can a parent be the Purchase Card Holder?

No, the Purchase Card Holder has to be an active member of Girl Guides. The Purchase Card Holder cannot be a non-member.

I am switching to a different unit. Can I continue to use the purchase card that I have?

No. The card is specific to you and the unit. Complete the Unified Banking Authorization Form for the new unit. You will receive a new purchase card within two weeks. Please destroy and discard the old purchase card.

I will not be returning as Treasurer next year; what do I need to do?

Once you have completed your responsibilities as Treasurer for the year (allocating transactions, submitting receipts and completing the year-end reconciliation (checklist)), please complete the Unified Banking Authorization Form to withdraw as Treasurer.

The new Treasurer will fill out the new Treasurer section of the Unified Banking Authorization Form. This will remove you from the position. Please ensure that you hand over your deposit slips to the new Treasurer.

I will not be returning as Purchase Card Holder next year; what do I need to do?

Please complete the  Unified Banking Authorization Form to withdraw as Purchase Card Holder.

The new Purchase Card Holder will fill out the new Purchase Card Holder section of the Unified Banking Authorization Form and send it to the Unit Administrator. This will remove you from the position.
7/27/2024 6:44:11 AM