Manual Expenses

Quick Tip 6 – Submitting a Manual Expense
Quick Tip 8 - Submitting a Transfer request
Quick Tip 14 – Common Errors
Quick Tip 15 – Revising or Deleting a Transaction
Quick Tip 18 – Requesting Funds in Foreign Currencies
Manual Expense Calculator
Lost/Incomplete Receipt Form
Direct Deposit Enrollment Form
New Treasurer Orientation

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I scan and email or fax my receipts for a manual expense?

Yes, it is acceptable to scan, email or fax supporting documents (ex. receipts and deposit slips) to your Unit Banking Clerk. However, the receipts must have the transaction number, date of submission and Treasurer’s initial on the receipt. If the receipt is electronically sent to the Unit Banking Clerk the original receipts are no longer required.

Receipts should be submitted on an ongoing basis but at a minimum of December 1st, March 1st and June 30th.

What is a manual expense (new expense) used for?

It can be used to obtain a cheque/direct deposit/wire transfer for the following purposes:
  • To reimburse a Guider or parent who has paid out-of-pocket for a Unit expense
  • To issue a refund for a cancelled activity
  • To pay a merchant or service provider when the VISA Purchase Card is not accepted
  • To pay for the use of a facility (not applicable for Unit meeting user space)
  • To obtain funds when cash is required
  • To send funds in a foreign currency

Where can I find the Manual Expense Request Form?

It is available under the "Transactions" drop-down menu of your Unit banking account. Scroll down to "Expenses" and click on "New".

What is the procedure to get a cheque reimbursement?

  1. Treasurer: Create the New Manual Expense. Multiple receipts (except Guide Store purchases) can be combined into one expense using the Manual Expense Calculator. See Quick Tip 6.
  2. Treasurer: Records the transaction number, initials and dates each receipt
  3. Treasurer: Submits receipts or documentation (lost/incomplete receipt form) to your Unit Banking Clerk, by scan, email, fax or mail.
  4. Unit Banking Clerk reviews the receipts and Unit Expense Guidelines. Once completed will appear "Verified Provincially".
  5. Accounts Payable produces a cheque or EFT (weekly).

What is the procedure to get a wire transfer?

On the manual expense transaction, indicate the type of currency (ex. USA, Euros etc) in the "Comments" field. Make sure the total amount that you need in the foreign currency is the amount you enter (do not calculate any exchange rates). Submit documentation to your Unit Banking Clerk. A wire transfer is issued by the Finance department once it is 'Verified, Provincial'. The Unit will be charged $50 fee for wire transfer, as well as the remaining cost of the currency (ex. Total CAD dollar cost of money order less amount originally input on the manual expense).
See Quick Tip 18.

Do I need a receipt for each Manual Expense Request?

Yes, except for a Cash Advance. A cheque will not be issued if your Unit Banking Clerk has not received an itemized receipt. If you cannot obtain an itemized receipt or documentation, fill out the Lost/Incomplete Receipt Form and mail or fax/email a signed copy to your Unit Banking Clerk. For a cash advance, see Quick Tip 13 and send an email to your Unit Banking Clerk.

Can I batch receipts and submit them on one manual expense transaction?

Yes, as long as they are all to be reimbursed to the same payee and they do not mix Guide Store purchases with receipts from other vendors. Ensure that all receipts are stapled and submitted together. (Each receipt will need the transaction number, treasurer’s initials and date scanned, if the receipts are sent electronically). There is a Manual Expense Calculator to help you with batching receipts.

How do I know when my manual expense has been verified?

A status of "Verified, Provincial" means that your Unit Banking Clerk has verified your expense and is issuing your cheque/Direct Deposit.

When will my cheque be issued and mailed?

Accounts Payable issues cheques on a weekly basis (greater than $20). If your Unit Banking Clerk receives your request and complete documentation by Thursday, the cheque will be mailed the following Thursday. Cheques less than $20 are issued once a year in late August. Direct deposit payments go weekly regardless of the amount.

Can I be reimbursed by Direct Deposit instead of a cheque?

To enrol for Direct Deposit, please complete the Direct Deposit Enrolment Form, attach a void cheque and forward it to the Finance Department as per the instructions on the form. Use the same form to notify us if your bank account information has changed.

My Unit Banking Clerk ‘unverified’ my expense. I have made the appropriate changes, but the expense is still listed as ‘Unverified, Guider’. What am I doing wrong?

Once the corrections are made and saved, click on the "thumbs-up" icon to verify your expense.

I have allocated my expense to the wrong category. How do I correct this?

As long as the expense is not ‘Verified, Provincial’, you can change the category. To change the distribution category contact your Unit Banking Clerk to un-verify the transaction. Click on the unverified transaction and the edit button, change the distribution and save. If the expense is ‘Verified, Provincial’, you will need to complete a Unit-to-Unit Transfer request, from and to your unit, to reallocate the funds.
See Quick Tip 8.

I sent in a manual expense for a small amount but I haven’t received my cheque yet, why not?

Accounts Payable issues cheques for amounts over $20.00 on a weekly basis. If your expense request was for under $20, it will wait until additional expense requests are received to put the reimbursement over $20. The amounts under $20 are mailed out on an annual basis (end of August). If you have signed up for direct deposit, the payment is issued weekly regardless of the amount.
Save your receipts until they total over $20.00, or ask for a cash advance to cover small amounts.

How do I issue a refund to a parent for unit activities?

Create a manual expense and submit documentation (or a note of explanation) to your Unit Banking Clerk demonstrating that the original payment had been received. Membership fee refunds are arranged between the parent and the Community Planning Coordinators.

How do I delete a manual expense?

Click on the Transaction ID number in order to view the expense details. If you no longer see the Edit button, contact your Unit Banking Clerk to un-verify the transaction. Then click on the "Edit" button and the "Delete" button will appear. If there is no "Edit" button, contact your Unit Banking Clerk. Expenses that are "Verified, Provincial" status cannot be deleted. Please contact your Unit Banking Clerk.
See Quick Tip 15.

I've spent cash in another currency (eg. US, British Pound). How do I convert it to the Canadian equivalent?

You can use the Bank of Canada exchange calculator. Keep in mind that the rate does not include any commission you may have paid when converting Canadian to another currency.

The most accurate way to account for everything is to:
  • Get a cash advance from your centralized bank account for approximately the amount you need and request it in the currency you need.
  • Deposit back any unused cash into the centralized account to close the advance; it will be converted to Canadian by Royal Bank and the difference between the advance and the amount redeposited, is the Canadian equivalent for what you spent.
  • On your manual expense to complete the advance close, you will not be able to put the Canadian equivalent for each individual receipt; list them all and note the Canadian equivalent on the manual expense form and on the manual expense transaction.
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