Police Records Check (PRC)

Police Records Check for potential members and members
Police Records Check for non-member volunteers

Potential Members and Members
All adult members of Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC), including members who are Honorary Life Award recipients, are required to complete a Police Records Check (PRC) that meets Girl Guides of Canada requirements every three years

Police Records Checks are done on GGC’s behalf by our partner BackCheck, which specializes in providing this service.

On the rare occasion when a PRC is not viable through BackCheck, one can be obtained through the local police service. The check must be an original document with either a watermark or police seal. The original document must be reviewed by Ontario Council Membership staff and a copy will be retained at the provincial office. 

Potential Members (PMBR)
After you have completed your interview you will be sent a link from the email address: onlineorders@backcheck.net to apply for a PRC through BackCheck. There is no charge to you for completing your PRC through this service. 

Once you receive the email invitation, you will have 15 business days to complete your PRC.

Renewing Members
A new PRC must be completed every three years and must be received before the current PRC expires.

  • Members will receive at least 2 reminders prior to their PRC expiring, the first one sent three months before expiry.
  • At the point of PRC expiry, the National office will cancel the member and mail a notice of membership cancellation.

You will be sent a link to apply for a PRC through BackCheck as part of the Adult Membership Renewal process. There is no charge to you for completing your PRC through this service.

For information about how to complete your PRC through BackCheck, contact screening@girlguides.ca or call 1-877-564-6188

PRC Exemptions
Members who may be eligible for a PRC exemption meet all of the following criteria:

  • Do not have any contact with girl members
  • Do not hold a position within Guiding including Trefoil Guild positions such as Lead, Treasurer, Secretary
  • Unable, at this time, to obtain a valid PRC (e.g. in a nursing home, has health circumstances that prevent participation, Member is out of the country for an extended period of time) or are 75 years or older

There are two types of PRC Exemptions:
Renewable exemption – requesting an exemption for one to five years (for example temporarily living out of the country).
Permanent exemption – an exemption due to conditions that are predicted not to change (such as living in a nursing home or long term illness).

PRC Exemption is an application process and requires the approval of the Provincial Commissioner. To apply, complete the PRC Exemption Application (EX.3) and send it to:
Email: screening@girlguides.ca
Mail to:
Girl Guides of Canada,
Attn. Membership Screening Team
100-180 Duncan Mill Road
Toronto, ON
M3B 1Z6

PRC for non-member volunteers
Non-member volunteers (NMV) require a Police Record Check (PRC) when:

  • working with girls during unit meetings more than twice in the Guiding year
  • volunteering at a GGC day camp or overnight camp
  • volunteering at any other day or overnight events
  • they are a Treasurer handling GGC funds
  • they are a support person who accompanies a person with a disability to GGC meetings and events
  • they are a Cookie Receiver

To support you in getting a PRC, Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada has partnered with BackCheck, to provide a simple, secure way to obtain police record checks. BackCheck offers a reduced rate of $23.00 to non-member volunteers applying through the Girl Guides, Ontario Council link. Information on how to complete the PRC, and the link to the site, will be sent to you after we receive your completed Non-Member Volunteer application forms.

If a non-member volunteer has a PRC from their local police service, that is dated no more than 12 months prior to its date of submission to GGG, the original may be submitted to the . Copies are not acceptable. Please note: the original PRC will be returned to the non-member.

To register as a non-member volunteer, complete a Non-Member Volunteer Application form (A.7) and Image Release form (IR.1). The forms must be printed and signed; electronic signatures are not acceptable.

Return the completed forms to the Membership team by email or mail to:
Membership Screening Team
Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario Council
100-180 Duncan Mill Road
Toronto, ON
M3B 1Z6

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