Trefoil Guild is a membership activity for women over 30. In many cases, Trefoil Guild members have been members of Guiding in a variety of roles for many years and join the Trefoil Guild to keep in touch with the organization and each other. Members who are actively Guiding are invited to join a Trefoil Guild in addition to working with a unit.
Trefoil Guild members aim to
- Keep the spirit of Guiding alive
- Support girls and women in Guiding
- Carry the Guiding spirit into the communities in which they live
- Come together as friends and have fun
- Participate in opportunities available within their community
Membership requirements
- Annual membership fee
- For information about the fee and how to complete payment, please contact your Provincial Council
- The national fee is waived if you are an Honorary Life Member or if you are 75 years of age on or before December 31 of a given year, provided that your birthdate is saved on your member profile
- GGC’s standard screening
- All screening requirements must be met, including obtaining a Police Records Check
- Exemptions can be obtained in specific situations
- Our Membership Screening Team is available to assist with this process
How to join
- If you are a fully screened member, contact your provincial council to join a Guild and learn how to complete the membership fee payment
- If new to Girl Guides of Canada, click here to access the application page and get started!
- Any questions can be directed to our Membership Screening Team at screening@girlguides.ca
If there’s no Guild in your area
- Find two or more friends who are involved in Guiding and interested in starting a Guild
- Ask your Provincial Council how to get a new Guild started
- Set up an initial meeting and decide when and how often to meet
More information on Trefoil Guilds and how to contact your councils’ Trefoil Guild Liaison can be found on your Provincial Council’s website.